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3rd Wave Creativity Course 2



< Happy Accident >

Xeverion Intitute is pleased to introduce <3rd Wave>, an art programme which is one of our core focuses and missions in Hong Kong.

Creativity cannot be taught, it should be realised and experienced. Applicable to life, creativity is the quintessential element to promote innovative and resourceful solutions. 

At 3rd Wave, we consciously create the conditions in which creative thought and action can flourish. This course is addressed to everyone who appreciate their own instincts and are driven by their hearts to further develop their talents with us.
3rd Wave, we’re here to guide you to find that inner voice, and develop free-flowing creativity to piece together all that which is meaningful to you.

Our programme offers a weekly Sunday course over 5-month period (31st October 2021 to 27th March 2022) with our course leader Frederique Decombe , including lectures with artists from different disciplines*, field trips, workshops and critiques, and culminating with an exhibition of your work at our space, The Catalyst gallery in May 2022.

*Damien Charrieras, Francois Mouillot, Stephen Cheng/Empty gallery, Feaston, Tomatospeedy, Lily Zhang & Wataru Shinji, Alok Leung and Marie Lecuyer.

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