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The Catalyst

a space to ( = )


25 July to 07 September 2024

Opening | 25 July 2024

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Feeding in the darkness of the metropolis, Petr Davytdchenko relocates to Hong Kong. The Catalyst will become his studio, living in situ, a solitary animal, while he prepares the living archive - Death Book.


For nearly a decade, Petr Davydtchenko has lived decentralised, semi-autonomous and on the fringes of the global economic system. He has found ways of obtaining free, rich-in-protein food, exclusively eating roadkill for three years - society’s waste; the detritus of capitalism. Later, targeting rat infestations, he reinterpretted and promoted vermin - cooking a life-source that is locally and freely available to the populace in large quantities. On the way, he was attacked and prosecuted for defying mainstream pharmaceutical pressure, demonstrating the strength of his organic COVID vaccine.


“I am engaging with the Cataphiles to establish a passageway between the living world and the dead one. I’ve always dreamt of collapse, ever since I was a child. I’ve been waiting for the apocalypse to roll across the sky. Nowadays we can’t escape the idea. Around the year 2030, we will be in a position where we have set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control that will most likely lead to the end of our civilisation as we know it.”


Cataphiles who live underground have never seen the sunlight. They crawl around and dig their tunnels like vicarious caterpillars. It is an underground journey where lines between reality and fiction become blurred. 


Join the artist for gastronomic experiences from mid-August. Audience members will be invited to register their interest to receive further information for the scheduling of these underground events. 


The Death Book will be published by Baron Books in collaboration with A/POLITICAL


Biography: Petr Davydtchenko was born in Arzamas-16 a closed military town in Russia. Growing up in St. Petersburg he experienced the hostility of far-right groups before moving to Europe where he developed a practice that reinterpreted social-codes through totalitarian aesthetics. Petr relocated to Maubourguet, a post-industrial town in Midi-Pyrenees, France, where he survived only off animals killed on the road through human negligence for three years. His archival practice has developed into an ideological case study, used by interdisciplinary academics theorising an alternative socio-economic reality. Petr is recognised in the media as the first artist to mint a Performance Art NFT and became the protagonist of a feature length film “Autonomous” by London.Film.

20247月25日 至 9月07日


黎緊7月25日起,生於阿爾扎馬斯-16俄羅斯保密行政區的Petr Davydtchenko 將入住The Catalyst,展開為期2個月的Death Book行動。


十年唔逢一潤十年人事幾番新, 彼得·達維井高 (Petr Davydtchenko) 就從那年那日那月起擔負了起邊緣人的重要角色,自主發展出一套完全經濟外圍化、自生自滅天生天養的生活態度。佢更有係三年來週不時食下啲含豐富蛋白質,經由後資本主義無限量提供、不費分毫且隨街都有嘅路邊野味。後來又有一期佢亦都開始鑽研烹飪可愛過街小老鼠,平靚正得嚟又可為民除害,真係所謂一舉八得。佢近來嘅壯舉更包括食蝙蝠自主研製有機新冠疫苗而慘遭主流醫療制度大肆攻擊施加無情但有形壓力兼告埋上神枱。善哉。



G/F, No.2 Po Yan, Street, Shueng Wan, HK © 2024 The Catalyst

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