The Catalyst
a space to ( = )
Opening | 26 October 2024, 1800

26 October 2024 to 05 January 2025
2024年10月26日 至 2025年01月05日
開幕|2024年10月26日, 1800
T h e X e v a r i o n Institute and the C a t a l y s t gallery is enraptured to premiere Frank Leder's first solo exhibition, LINDWURM, in Hong Kong. A coup d'œil of Frank Leder’s Gesamtkunstwerk present, past and future, honouring the designer’s over two decades of labour of love since 2000, casting light on an ongoing process of reinventing and re-examining his own roots and tradition in order to create a reinvigorated, idiosyncratic approach and another perspective of what is considered as Germanic, often visually uncanny, yet sensual and affable. The Catalyst gallery in Po Yan Street will also transform into a temporary boutique, offering carefully designated, exclusive items for Hong Kong's connoisseurs who appreciate something different than the usual differences.
To coincide with this special occasion, the Xevarion has commissioned four of our own distinguished and upstanding local photographers (Freedomgum, Wing Wong, Lai Lon Hin, Mario Chui) to reinterpret the spirit in Frank Leder’s Ehrenstaat for a limited edition booklet, printed and hand bound to the highest quality by local craftsmen, to provide the Hong Kong cultural conglomerate and dignitaries a rare opportunity to pry into this quiet, lesser known, yet terribly important German fashion designer / artist that we would otherwise easily miss.
«Lindwurm» is published by the Xevarion Institute, avaiable from 26th October, 2024 in all
reputable bookstores, or order your copy directly from the Catalyst by email to: info@xevarion.org
The Xevarion Institute 和 The Catalyst是次非常榮幸邀請到來自德國的時裝設計師Frank Leder帶來一次本畫廊最貼地展覽《LINDWURM》:展示他成立品牌二十年間的創作點滴,同時亦為Frank Leder在香港的首個pop-up店,為各位獻上特別為香港展覽特別設計的秋冬系列。
以其敏銳的觀察力和天馬行空的想像,Frank Leder喜歡把德國獨有的傳統文化粹合到他的設計當中,也往往以別樹一格又富幽默感的手法演繹每季服裝的概念。他多年來堅持由布料製作、染色、生產等工序均在德國完成,名副其實將濃厚的日耳曼氣息注入每條纖維。作為一位完全逆流而上的設計師,Frank Leder比起趕上每季大眾潮流,花更多心思在設計細節與呈現背後的故事,使每件單品都是獨一無二,成就無法被複製的個性時尚。
「衣服是一種言語,隨身帶著的一種袖珍戲劇。」在Frank Leder那鮮明活潑又細緻的美學世界裡,總能聽見每件衣服,每種配搭娓娓道來一齣又一齣袖珍戲劇。
好事成雙,我們亦邀請了四位本地攝影師(Freedomgum, Wing Wong, Lai Lon Hin, Mario Chui)將Frank Leder的特殊美學重新演繹,出版成香港印刷全人手裝訂的限量刊物,一窺這位低調卻又無法抗拒的德國設計師/藝術家的服裝世界。
«Lindwurm» 由The Xevarion Institute出版,可在指定書店購買或電郵至info@xevarion.org預訂親臨畫廊自取。