The Catalyst
a space to ( = )
5 May - 12 May 2021
Ventilation Paintings
Elizabeth Briel
Events: 8 May 1400-2100

" My approach for this series has been to view Hong Kong and its architecture as matrices for printmaking, specifically embossing.
Instead of printing with machines, or creating printing plates for reproduction, I print directly from the city itself, by wrapping my body and paper around the vintage architecture that has protected me during our pandemic, inside a building which will be destroyed in coming years. The resulting blind embossed work is a direct impression of architectural heritage under threat, and a meeting of skin, paper, and metal.
Prints are hand-tinted with water-soluble graphite, and are attached directly to the wall. The paper is thin “rice paper”, and prints move with passing air, thus the name "Ventilation Paintings". This transient materiality produces a physical documentation of a city and world in flux that would not have the same resonance if made in any other time or place."
Events on 8th May
1. Artist's guided tour to the Tong Lau that was the matrix of the artwork, 1400-1445pm (free, limited places, reserve via )
2. Physical and virtual event 4-9pm at Catalyst :
from 7-9pm Hong Kongers in diaspora will share (via Zoom) how the architecture and city of Hong Kong continue to exist in their minds today. They will relate the city and its architecture to their creative work and lives elsewhere via performance and poetry, creating a multifaceted perspective of HK as it thrives in diasporic imaginations and lives today. Performances will include Prague-based Loretta Lau's illustrated projection city drawing, and Glasgow-based Sean Wai Keung's poetry.